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SOLD $104,400 - SOLD
Beautiful unrestricted acreage near Lake Hartwell and I-85 in Fairplay, SC. This wooded property features views of Lake Hartwell, rolling topography and even borders the SC Corps of Engineering property to the west. This property would be ideal for a private homestead or even a recreational property that is loaded with wildlife. The county road S-37-111 (Broomway Lane) extends farther than shown in maps allowing access to subject property.
Keyword Search: Broomway Lane
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Additional Details
- Property Type: Recreational
- Zoning: None
- MLS (GGAR): 1388496
- Restrictions: None
- Directons: From I-85 and Hwy 59 (Exit 2) go north on Hwy 59. In .2 miles turn left onto Broomway Lane and property will be at the end of the road on the right.
- Lat / Long: 34.49890969793189 / -83.00644947891237
- State / County / City / Zip / Physical Address: SC / Oconee / Fair Play / 29643 / Broomway Lane
- Tax Map: 340-00-02-005
- Topography: Rolling
- Schools: Fairforest / West Oak / West Oak